Каталог файлов
Файл / Директория |
Описание |
r-server.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
R00000000000a.clb |
Описания нет |
R000000000015.clb |
Описания нет |
r001.exe |
Описания нет |
R003.exe |
Описания нет |
r0cp13gg.exe |
Описания нет |
R11143RU.tag |
Описания нет |
r2d2.exe |
Описания нет |
r2enu.dll |
r2enu.dll is a R2WIN belonging to Reflection for UNIX and Digital from WRQ, Inc. Non-system processes like r2enu.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
r2rlive.dll |
Описания нет |
r32_32.dll |
Описания нет |
r3951on.exe |
Описания нет |
r401219.res |
Описания нет |
r401255.res |
Описания нет |
RA3.exe |
Описания нет |
ra32.exe |
Описания нет |
racagent.exe |
Описания нет |
RacEngn.dll |
racengn.dll is a RacEngn (Engine version 1.8) belonging to Microsoft® Windows® Operating System from Microsoft Corporation Non-system processes like racengn.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
Rachwa.exe |
Описания нет |
racs.exe |
racs.exe is a PCNetSoftware RAC Server belonging to PCNetSoftware from Miloslav Novotny N+P Non-system processes like racs.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
radC5607tmp.exe |
Описания нет |
radC5607_tmp.exe |
Описания нет |
RadDriver.exe |
Описания нет |
raddrv.dll |
raddrv.dll is a DLL file used by Remote Administrator video hook driver created by Famatech LLC This process is still being reviewed. If you have some information about it feel free to send us an email at pl[at]uniblue[dot]net Non-system processes like raddrv.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
radexecd.exe |
radexecd.exe is a radexecd from Novadigm belonging to Radia® Non-system processes like radexecd.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
radicall.exe |
Описания нет |
radio.exe |
Описания нет |
Radiocent.exe |
Описания нет |
RadiocentSetup.exe |
Описания нет |
radmin.dll |
Описания нет |
radmin.exe |
radmin.exe is a Radmin belonging to Radmin Viewer from Famatech International Corp. Non-system processes like radmin.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
radprcmp.exe |
radprcmp.exe is a process belonging to Naomi . This is an internet filtering program. Non-system processes like radprcmp.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rads_user_kernel.exe |
Описания нет |
raeder_sl.exe |
Описания нет |
raflab.ru |
Описания нет |
ragent.exe |
Описания нет |
raid-tool.exe |
Описания нет |
raidcall.0 |
Описания нет |
raidcall.exe |
Описания нет |
RaidCall.RU |
Описания нет |
RaidMgr.exe |
raidmgr.exe is a Raid Controller from Integrated Technology Express, Inc. belonging to RaidMgr Application Non-system processes like raidmgr.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
Описания нет |
RAIDXpertService.exe |
Описания нет |
raid_tool.exe |
raid_tool.exe is a process installed alongside VIA Raid technology drivers and provides additional configuration options for these devices. This program is a non-essential process to the running of the system, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. Non-system processes like raid_tool.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rainlendar.exe |
Описания нет |
Rainmeter.exe |
Описания нет |
Rainmeter.lnk |
Описания нет |
rak324234234om.bat |
Описания нет |
RakyatKelaparan.exe |
Описания нет |
RalinkRegistryWriter.exe |
ralinkregistrywriter.exe is a RalinkRegistryWriter belonging to Ralink RalinkRegistryWriter from Ralink Technology, Corp. Non-system processes like ralinkregistrywriter.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
ramaint.exe |
ramaint.exe is a process belonging to the 3am Laboratories, Remotely Anywhere remote administration tool. This process allows other users to control your PC via a local network or the Internet. If used maliciously this process can also permit users to access your PC, from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. If unaccounted for, this process should be removed immediately. Non-system processes like ramaint.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
ramasst.exe |
ramasst.exe is a process that is installed together with common DVD drives. It is used to disable the XP built-in CD burning functions. This process should not be removed if you do not have a problem with your CD/DVD burning applications. Non-system processes like ramasst.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
RamblerBarSync.exe |
Описания нет |
ramblerdrowser.exe |
Описания нет |
ramdomname.dll |
Описания нет |
ramimgr.exe |
Описания нет |
rampimgr.exe |
Описания нет |
ramsaverpro.exe |
Описания нет |
ran32.exe |
Описания нет |
randll.exe |
Описания нет |
randll32.exe |
Описания нет |
random.exe |
Описания нет |
random32.exe |
Описания нет |
RandomHack.exe |
Описания нет |
randomname.dll |
Описания нет |
randomnamed.exe |
Описания нет |
randprocobolmainof.exe |
Описания нет |
randprocobolmain.exe |
Описания нет |
randqprocobolmain.exe |
Описания нет |
randwprocobolmain.exe |
Описания нет |
ranner.avp |
Описания нет |
ransomhide.exe |
Описания нет |
ransomware.Ukash |
Описания нет |
raobj.exe |
Описания нет |
rapimdr.exe |
Описания нет |
rapimg.exe |
Описания нет |
rapimge.exe |
Описания нет |
rapimgr.exe |
rapimgr.exe is a process associated with the ActiveSync software from Microsoft. ActiveSync is a software used to synchronize data on your PC with a mobile system such as a pocket PC or a mobile phone. It is important for the ActiveSync function so should not be removed. Non-system processes like rapimgr.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rapimgs.exe |
Описания нет |
rapirmgr.exe |
Описания нет |
raprmgr.exe |
Описания нет |
raprt.exe |
Описания нет |
rapt.exe |
Описания нет |
rapt.lnc |
Описания нет |
raptor.exe |
Описания нет |
raptor_im.exe |
Описания нет |
raptr.exe |
Описания нет |
raptr.im |
Описания нет |
Raptr.inc |
Описания нет |
raptrep64.exe |
Описания нет |
raptrstub.exe |
Описания нет |
raptr_64.exe |
Описания нет |
raptr_ep32.exe |
Описания нет |
raptr_ep64.exe |
Описания нет |
raptr_im.exe |
Описания нет |
raptr_in.exe |
Описания нет |
Raptr_installer.eXE |
Описания нет |
raptr_stub.exe |
Описания нет |
rapt_im.exe |
Описания нет |
rapumgr.exe |
Описания нет |
raqimgr.exe |
Описания нет |
rar.exe |
rar.exe is an archiving program which can achieve up to a 60% compression rate. "This program is a non-essential system process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " Non-system processes like rar.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
raregestry.exe |
Описания нет |
raregisrtry.exe |
Описания нет |
raregistre.exe |
Описания нет |
raregistry.exe |
Описания нет |
rarex.dll |
Описания нет |
rarext.ddl |
Описания нет |
rarext.dll |
rarext.dll is a module belonging to WinRar . Non-system processes like rarext.dll originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rarext.exe |
Описания нет |
rarext32.dll |
Описания нет |
rarext64.dll |
Описания нет |
rarextloader.exe |
rarextloader.exe is a process Non-system processes like rarextloader.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rarlng.dll |
rarlng.dll is a DLL file This process is still being reviewed. If you have some information about it feel free to send us an email at pl[at]uniblue[dot]net Non-system processes like rarlng.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rasacd.sys |
Описания нет |
rasadhlp.dll |
N/A Non-system processes like rasadhlp.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rasapi32.dll |
rasapi32.dll is the Remote Access API (RAS), used by Windows applications to control modem connections. rasapi32.dll is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rasapi323.exe |
Описания нет |
rasauto.dll |
Описания нет |
rasauto.exe |
Описания нет |
rasautou.exe |
rasautou.exe is the Microsoft Remote Access Dialler process. It is used by the system or by third party applications to manage modem connections. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " rasautou.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rasawi.exe |
Описания нет |
rasdial.exe |
Описания нет |
raserver.exe |
Описания нет |
rash-service.exe |
Описания нет |
rash_service.exe |
Описания нет |
rasl2tp.sys |
Описания нет |
rasman.dll |
rasman.dll is a module that provides functions for Remote Access for other applications. rasman.dll is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
Rasman.exe |
"rasman.exe is a process registered as a backdoor vulnerability which may be installed for malicious purposes by an attacker allowing access to your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. " "If unaccounted for, this process should be removed immediately. " Non-system processes like rasman.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
Rasman.exe |
rasman.exe is a Windows service which is used to dial phone numbers from the phone book. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. rasman.exe is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly. It should not be removed. Check your system now to identify unused processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rasmans.dll |
N/A Non-system processes like rasmans.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rasmbmgr.dll |
Описания нет |
rasphone.exe |
Описания нет |
raspppoe.sys |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
raspptp.sys |
Описания нет |
rasrad.dll |
N/A Non-system processes like rasrad.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
Описания нет |
rassstp.sys |
Описания нет |
rastapi.dll |
RAT.exe |
Описания нет |
ratext.dll |
Описания нет |
ration.exe |
Описания нет |
ratorian.exe |
Описания нет |
RaUI.elf |
Описания нет |
RaUI.exe |
raui.exe is a RaUI belonging to Edimax Wireless Utility from Edimax Technology Co., Ltd. Non-system processes like raui.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
RaUI.xex |
Описания нет |
RaUj.exe |
Описания нет |
raul.exe |
raul.exe is a RAUL belonging to Trend Micro OfficeScan from Trend Micro Inc. Non-system processes like raul.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
RAVBg.exe |
Описания нет |
RAVBg64.exe |
Описания нет |
RAVCp164.exe |
Описания нет |
RAVCp64.exe |
Описания нет |
RAVCpI64.exe |
Описания нет |
RAVCpl.exe |
Описания нет |
ravcpl4.exe |
Описания нет |
RAVCpl64.exe |
ravcpl64.exe is a RtHDVCpl.exe belonging to HD Audio Control Panel from RealTek Semiconductor Non-system processes like ravcpl64.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
RAVCpl64.exxe |
Описания нет |
Rave.com |
Описания нет |
ravg64.exe |
Описания нет |
RAVg64.xe |
Описания нет |
ravgb64.exe |
Описания нет |
ravgb64.eze |
Описания нет |
ravmon.exe |
Описания нет |
ravmond.exe |
Описания нет |
RavMonE.exe |
Описания нет |
ravtray.exe |
Описания нет |
RAW_003.wdt |
Описания нет |
raydld.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dmax2009_32server.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dmax2012_32server.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dsMax2009_32server.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dsmax2012_64server.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dsmax2010_32server.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dsmax2012_32server.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dsmax2014_64server.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dsmax2011_32server.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dsmax8server.exe |
Описания нет |
raysat_3dsmax9_32server.exe |
Описания нет |
razerhid.exe |
razerhid.exe is a Mouse Driver belonging to Razer Mouse Driver from Razer Inc. . This installs with Razer mice software. Non-system processes like razerhid.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
razerofa.exe |
razerofa.exe is a Razer OFA - On-the-Fly Sensitivity Adjustment from Razer Inc. belonging to Razer OFA Non-system processes like razerofa.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
razertra.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
RBDMAI.dll |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
RbkBMnt.exe |
Описания нет |
rbmonitor.exe |
Описания нет |
rbnotifer.exe |
Описания нет |
rboot64.exe |
Описания нет |
rbpclip.exe |
Описания нет |
RBTray.exe |
Описания нет |
rbTray.ink |
Описания нет |
RBTray.lnk |
Описания нет |
RC2UGZO.exe |
Описания нет |
rcappsvc.exe |
Описания нет |
RCDsetup.exe |
Описания нет |
rcgit.ru |
Описания нет |
rcgui.exe |
rcgui.exe is a Remote Control Client from LANDesk Software, Ltd. belonging to LANDesk Client Non-system processes like rcgui.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
RCHelper.exe |
Описания нет |
rcimbly.exe |
Описания нет |
rcimgdir.exe |
Описания нет |
rcimlby.exe is a process associated with Microsoft Remote Assistance from Microsoft Corporation. Non-system processes like rcimlby.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rcjkmbo.exe |
Описания нет |
RcMan.exe |
rcman.exe is a process associated with the Audigy Platinum card drivers from Creative. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " Non-system processes like rcman.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rcp.exe |
rcp.exe is a process associated with TCP/IP Remote Copy Command from Microsoft Corporation. Non-system processes like rcp.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rcpsetup.exe |
Описания нет |
rcpsetup2005fnru.exe |
Описания нет |
rcpsetup2005fn_ru.exe |
Описания нет |
rcpsetupst_RC1_RU_F_2.exe |
Описания нет |
rcpsetupst_RC1_RU_S_2.exe |
Описания нет |
rcpsetupst_RC1_RU_F_1.exe |
Описания нет |
rcpsetupst_rc1_ru_l_1.exe |
Описания нет |
rcpsetup_2005.exe |
Описания нет |
rcpsetup_2005_fn_ru.exe |
Описания нет |
rcpsetup_latest.exe |
Описания нет |
RCPUninstall.exe |
Описания нет |
rcp_enrest79ros.exe |
Описания нет |
rcs.exe |
Описания нет |
rcsetup145.exe |
Описания нет |
rdboot32.exe |
Описания нет |
rdbss.sys |
Описания нет |
rdchost.dl |
RDSHost Client Module This process is still being reviewed. If you have some information about it feel free to send us an email at pl[at]uniblue[dot]net Non-system processes like rdchost.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rdchost.dll |
RDSHost Client Module This process is still being reviewed. If you have some information about it feel free to send us an email at pl[at]uniblue[dot]net Non-system processes like rdchost.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rdchost.exe |
Описания нет |
rdhdcpl.exe |
Описания нет |
rdhost.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rdmpserv.exe |
rdmpserv.exe is a rdmpserv.exe belonging to RDMPLocalService from SHAPE Services GmbH Non-system processes like rdmpserv.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rdnynp.exe |
Описания нет |
rdpbus.sys |
Описания нет |
rdpclient.exe |
Описания нет |
rdpclip.exe |
rdpclip.exe is the main executable for File Copy. It provides function for the Terminal Services server that allows you to copy and paste between server and client. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. rdpclip.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rdpgroupolicyextention.dll |
Описания нет |
rdpgroupolicyextension.dll |
Описания нет |
rdpinst.exe |
Описания нет |
RdrCEF.exe |
Описания нет |
rdrcsv.exe |
Описания нет |
rdriv.sys |
Описания нет |
rdrmemptylst.exe |
Описания нет |
rdsaddin.exe |
rdsaddin.exe is a process associated with Microsoft® Windows® Operating System from Microsoft Corporation. Non-system processes like rdsaddin.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
Описания нет |
rdtask.exe |
rdtask.exe is a RDTask Microsoft 基础类应用程序 belonging to RDTask 应用程序 Non-system processes like rdtask.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rdvchg.exe |
Описания нет |
rdvgkmd.sys |
Описания нет |
rdyboost.sys |
Описания нет |
rdybost.sys |
Описания нет |
re-7u5-windows-i586.exe |
Описания нет |
re-7u5-windows-i586-iftw.exe |
Описания нет |
Re-markitMG172.exe |
Описания нет |
re-markitw.exe |
Описания нет |
reactivate.exe |
Описания нет |
ReactivateIE.exe |
Описания нет |
reactos.exe |
Описания нет |
read.exe |
Описания нет |
reader-sl.exe |
Описания нет |
reader.exe |
reader.exe is a Tristana belonging to Tristana from Insight Commerce Non-system processes like reader.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
readerapphelper.exe |
Описания нет |
readersl.exe |
Описания нет |
reader_si.exe |
Описания нет |
Reader_sl.exe |
reader_sl.exe is a process associated the with the Adobe Reader. It is used to decrease the load time for the reader when a PDF document is selected. This is a non-essential process so disabling or enabling it is down to user preference. Non-system processes like reader_sl.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
reader_st.exe |
Описания нет |
readLM.exe |
Описания нет |
readreg.exe |
Описания нет |
readr_sl.exe |
Описания нет |
ReadyBoot.etl |
Описания нет |
ReAgentc.exe |
Описания нет |
ReaiTimeProtector.exe |
Описания нет |
reaktivate.exe |
Описания нет |
realblogs.name |
Описания нет |
realched.exe |
Описания нет |
realpupgrade.exe |
Описания нет |
realsched.exe |
realsched.exe is a program which schedules for manual update checks for Real Networks products. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or enabling this is down to user preference however disabling may prevent notification of updates. Non-system processes like realsched.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
realshed.exe |
realshed.exe is a process that belongs to the RealPlayer from Real Networks. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or enabling it is down to user preference. Non-system processes like realshed.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
realTeimeProtector.exe |
Описания нет |
RealTimeProtection.exe |
Описания нет |
RealTimeProtector.exe |
Описания нет |
RealTimeProtector.ese |
Описания нет |
realtimeprotecto.exe |
Описания нет |
realTimeprotestor.exe |
Описания нет |
realupgrade.exe |
Описания нет |
ReAppSvc.exe |
Описания нет |
ReatTimeProtector.exe |
Описания нет |
reboot.exe |
reboot.exe is a dos based application used to REBOOT the computer. Users are allowed to set delays for REBOOTs through the command line prompter. Non-system processes like reboot.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
reborn.dll |
Описания нет |
rebuild.exe |
Описания нет |
rebuildi.exe |
Описания нет |
rebuildsearchindex.exe |
Описания нет |
rebuilti.exe |
Описания нет |
recc_ru_101.exe |
Описания нет |
receivefaxutility.exe |
Описания нет |
receiver.exe |
Описания нет |
RecentFileCach.bcf |
Описания нет |
RecentFileCache.bcf |
Описания нет |
RecEnv.exe |
Описания нет |
recguard.exe |
recguard.exe is a process from HP that prevents a user from deleting or corrupting the WinXP Recovery Partition on Hewlett Packard computers. It is not an essential process but care should be taken with its removal. Non-system processes like recguard.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
RecieveFaxUtility.exe |
Описания нет |
recomp038.exe |
Описания нет |
recordingmanager.exe %PROGRAMFILES%\RealNetworks |
Процесс recordingmanager.exe является одним из компонентов RealPlayer (32-bit) и обычно устанавливается вместе с RealDownloader, который предназначен для скачивания видео с YouTube, Facebook и многих других сайтов. |
Recover.exe |
Описания нет |
RecSche.exe |
N/A Non-system processes like recsche.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
recuva.exe |
Описания нет |
recycle.bin |
Описания нет |
Recycled.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
recycler_u.exe |
Описания нет |
RecycleScrollingWizard.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_en_77.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru74.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_101.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_112.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_13.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_130.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_137.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_139.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_142.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_145.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_150.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_161.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_164.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_165.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_169.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_172.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_173.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_179.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_181.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_184.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_192.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_199.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_47.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_50.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_52.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_53.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_58.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_65.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_69.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_70.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ru_74.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ua_150.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ua_165.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ua_184.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ua_47.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ua_52.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ua_69.exe |
Описания нет |
rec_ua_74.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
red.exe |
Описания нет |
redcafe.exe |
Описания нет |
reder.exe |
Описания нет |
Redex.exe |
Описания нет |
redfirefoxaddon.exe |
Описания нет |
redgv.exe |
Описания нет |
RedHelperUpdater.exe |
Описания нет |
redir.exe |
Описания нет |
redirect.dll |
redirect.dll is a redirect.dll belonging to Internet Information Services from Microsoft Corporation Non-system processes like redirect.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
redirect64.dll |
Описания нет |
redirector.exe |
redirector.exe is a Redirector belonging to BlackBerry(R) from Research In Motion Limited Non-system processes like redirector.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
redll32.exe |
Описания нет |
redmon32.exe |
Описания нет |
redmonnt.dll |
redmonnt.dll is a module Non-system processes like redmonnt.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
redrv.exe |
Описания нет |
reduildi.exe |
Описания нет |
reebot.exe |
Описания нет |
reeder_sl.exe |
Описания нет |
reemakeutilsservice.exe |
Описания нет |
ref.exe |
Описания нет |
refbookserver.exe |
Описания нет |
refdrv.exe |
Описания нет |
refiebar.dll is a module which allows you to use the Microsoft Office Research Library and its collection of information services from Microsoft Internet Explorer Non-system processes like refiebar.dll originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
refiebar.exe |
Описания нет |
reflectService.exe |
Описания нет |
reg.exe |
reg.exe is a process belonging to the Microsoft Registry Console Tool which is bundled with Windows. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " Non-system processes like reg.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
reg2.cmd |
Описания нет |
Reg2Inf.exe |
Описания нет |
reg2lnf.exe |
Описания нет |
reg64call.exe |
Описания нет |
RegAsm.exe |
Описания нет |
regclean.pro |
Описания нет |
RegCleanPro.exe |
Описания нет |
regctrls.exe |
Описания нет |
regcv.exe |
Описания нет |
regdrev.exe |
Описания нет |
regdrv.exe |
Описания нет |
regdrv32.exe |
Описания нет |
regdv.exe |
Описания нет |
regdvr.exe |
Описания нет |
regedig.exe |
Описания нет |
regedit.exe |
regedit.exe is the executable for the Windows Registry Editor. It is used to view and change the settings in the system registry. This process will only run while you have the editor open and should not be removed. Non-system processes like regedit.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
regedt32.exe |
Описания нет |
RegFineFoxAddon.exe |
Описания нет |
regfirefoxaddon.exe |
Описания нет |
RegFltrX86.sys |
Описания нет |
RegGetValue.A |
Описания нет |
regidle.dll |
Описания нет |
regiocs.old |
Описания нет |
register.dll |
Описания нет |
register.exe |
Описания нет |
RegisterTool.exe |
Описания нет |
registry.pol |
Описания нет |
registrybooster.exe |
registrybooster.exe is a process which belongs to the UniBlue Systems Registry Booster application which is vital for keeping your computer stable and error-free and should not be terminated. Registry Booster is the safest and most trusted solution to clean and optimize your system, for more information on this product please go to http://www.uniblue.com Non-system processes like registrybooster.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
registrycontroller.exe |
registrycontroller.exe is a Registry Controller from Nuance Communications, Inc. belonging to Scansoft PDF PConverter Non-system processes like registrycontroller.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
registrydefragboottime.exe |
Описания нет |
Registrydefragboottine.exe |
Описания нет |
RegistryDefragtTime.exe |
Описания нет |
RegistryRevierSetur_AFD_P4V1.exe |
Описания нет |
RegistryReviverSetup_AFD_p4v1.ex |
Описания нет |
RegistryWriter.exe |
Описания нет |
reglock.old |
Описания нет |
reglocs.old |
Описания нет |
regmanserv.exe |
Описания нет |
RegMgrModule.exe |
Описания нет |
regmon32.exe |
Описания нет |
regsc.exe |
Описания нет |
RegService.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv.exe |
regsrv.exe is added to the system as a result of the OPTIXPRO.11 virus. The virus allows a remote user access to target systems. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. If found on your system make sure that you have downloaded the latest update for your antivirus application. Non-system processes like regsrv.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
regsrv14.exe %APPDATA% |
Процесс regsrv14.exe является вирусом и должен быть удален немедленно. При запуске проверяет наличие мьютекса DANCHODANCHEV_AND_BRLANKREBS_GOT_MARRIED, прописывает себя в автозагрузку в ветку реестра HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, создавая параметр Microsoft DLL Registration, устанавливает соединение с адресом exportmake.org |
regsrv145.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv15.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv16.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv32.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv34.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv45.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv60.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv64.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv65.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv67.exe |
Описания нет |
regsrv69.exe %USER%\AppData\Roaming |
Процесс regsrv69.exe является вирусом и должен быть удален немедленно. В процессе работы проверяет наличие mutex с именем "DANCHODANCHEV_AND_BRIANKRESS_XXX_MARRIED", прописывает себя в автозагрузку в ключ реестра HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run как Microsoft DXT Registration. Обычно работает вместе с процессом x11.exe. Отправляет запросы на адрес "bomsereo.com" |
regsrvc.exe is a process which is installed alongside the Intel ProSet range of network communications products. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " Non-system processes like regsrvc.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
RegSrvs.exe |
Описания нет |
regsvc.dll |
Описания нет |
regsvc.exe |
regsvc.exe is a system service in Windows Server Suite. It allows remote computers to access the local registry. Some local programs also use this service in order to edit the registry. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. Note: regsvc.exe is also a process belonging to the Ace Spy advertising program by Retina-X Studios. This process monitors your browsing habits and distributes the data back to the author's servers for analysis. This also prompts advertising popups. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Determining whether this process is a virus or a Windows process depends on the directory location it executes or runs from in WinTasks. regsvc.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
RegSvcs.exe |
Описания нет |
regsvr.exe |
Описания нет |
regsvr14.exe |
Описания нет |
regsvr32.dll |
Описания нет |
regsvr32.exe is a process belonging to the Windows OS and is used to register dynamic-link libraries and ActiveX controls in the registry. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. regsvr32.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
regsvrc.exe |
Описания нет |
RegTask.exe |
Описания нет |
RegtaskTool_Installer.exe |
Описания нет |
regtlib.exe |
Описания нет |
regutility.exe |
Описания нет |
RegUtility_Setup.exe |
Описания нет |
regutility_setur.exe |
Описания нет |
regview.exe |
Описания нет |
rehab-vikki.cf |
Описания нет |
rehab-vikki.ga |
Описания нет |
rehab-vikki.gq |
Описания нет |
rehab-vikki.ml |
Описания нет |
rehab-vikki.tk |
Описания нет |
rehab23.cf |
Описания нет |
rehab23.ga |
Описания нет |
rehab23.gq |
Описания нет |
rehab23.ml |
Описания нет |
rehab23.tk |
Описания нет |
rehcnual.bat |
Описания нет |
ReiGuard.exe |
Описания нет |
Reimage.exe |
Описания нет |
ReimageRepair.exe |
Описания нет |
reindex.exe |
Описания нет |
reinstall-svc.exe |
Описания нет |
reinstall.svc |
Описания нет |
reinstall_sv.exe |
Описания нет |
reinstall_svc.exe |
Описания нет |
reinstall_svs.exe |
Описания нет |
reinstal_svc.exe |
Описания нет |
ReiSystem.exe |
Описания нет |
RelayStable.dll |
Описания нет |
relevant-knowledge.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
relpost.exe |
Описания нет |
rem-yug.com |
Описания нет |
rem-yug.ru |
Описания нет |
remaint.exe |
Описания нет |
remEngine.exe |
Описания нет |
remind.exe |
remind.exe is an application which reminds the user to register software. Non-system processes like remind.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
reminder.exe |
reminder.exe is a process belonging to Microsoft Money, which, if this particular piece of software has been used should be memory resident to remind you of when to pay your bills. "This program is a non-essential system process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " Non-system processes like reminder.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
reminder32.exe |
Описания нет |
remix.exe |
Описания нет |
remojnw.exe |
Описания нет |
remont-yug.com |
Описания нет |
remont36.ru |
Описания нет |
remote.exe |
Описания нет |
remoteengine.exe |
Описания нет |
RemoteEngineHelper.exe |
Описания нет |
remotepg.dll |
Описания нет |
remoteregistry.dll |
Описания нет |
remoteregistry.exe |
Описания нет |
remote_eka_prague_loader.dll |
Описания нет |
remoting_desktop.exe |
Описания нет |
remoting_host.exe |
Описания нет |
remotion_host.exe |
Описания нет |
remouteengine.exe |
Описания нет |
RemoveWAT.exe |
Описания нет |
renamer.exe |
Описания нет |
render.exe |
Описания нет |
renderer.exe |
Описания нет |
renderqueue.exe |
Описания нет |
repacks.exe |
Описания нет |
repdrvfs.dll |
repdrvfs.dll is a WMI from Microsoft Corporation belonging to Microsoft® Windows® Operating System repdrvfs.dll is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly. It should not be removed. Check your system now to identify unused processes that are slowing down your computer. |
Report.wer |
Описания нет |
reporter.exe |
Описания нет |
ReportHelper.dll |
Описания нет |
reportingservicesService.exe |
reportingservicesservice.exe is a process associated with Microsoft SQL Server from Microsoft Corporation. Non-system processes like reportingservicesservice.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
Reportingserviceservice.exe |
Описания нет |
reportwizard.exe |
Описания нет |
reqdrv.exe |
Описания нет |
reqsrv14.exe |
Описания нет |
ReReset_hosts.exe |
Описания нет |
rerre.exe |
Описания нет |
Res.exe |
res.exe is a process which belongs to the USB Storage Toolbox. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " Non-system processes like res.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
resautou.exe |
Описания нет |
ResCache.hit |
Описания нет |
rescache.mni |
Описания нет |
reseach.exe |
Описания нет |
research.dll |
Описания нет |
research.exe |
Описания нет |
resethosts.exe |
Описания нет |
resetservic.exe |
Описания нет |
resetservice.exe |
resetservice.exe is a process belonging to the Windows XP Activation Hack tool which compromises Windows XP's (and later) licensing scheme allowing for software piracy. This is an illegal process which contravenes International software law and should be terminated immediately. Non-system processes like resetservice.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
Reset_hosts.exe |
Описания нет |
residence.exe |
residence.exe is a process that belongs to the software provided with Sony Digital Camcorders. It is used to connect the camcorder via USB and allows the user to burn the content directly to a CD. Non-system processes like residence.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
residentagent.exe |
residentagent.exe is a Resident Agent Application from LANDesk Software, Ltd. belonging to LANDesk(R) Management Agent Non-system processes like residentagent.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
Resmon.cfg |
Описания нет |
Resmon.ResmonCfg |
Описания нет |
Resmon.ResmonCgf |
Описания нет |
resource.bin |
Описания нет |
resource.json |
Описания нет |
Resources.dll |
Описания нет |
ResPatch.exe |
Описания нет |
respath.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
RestartExplorer.exe |
Описания нет |
restore.0 |
Описания нет |
RestoreUL0.etl |
Описания нет |
res_wasppacer.exe |
Описания нет |
ret.xtbl |
Описания нет |
retadpu27.exe |
Описания нет |
revcpl.exe |
Описания нет |
revhost.exe |
Описания нет |
revosetup.exe |
Описания нет |
RevoUh.exe |
Описания нет |
revouninstaler.exe |
Описания нет |
RevRep.exe |
Описания нет |
revs.exe |
Описания нет |
revsci.net |
Описания нет |
rewire.exe |
Описания нет |
rexec.exe |
Описания нет |
Rezet_hosts.exe |
Описания нет |
rezip.exe |
Описания нет |
rf-chomt-nm-host.exe |
Описания нет |
rf-chrome-nm-host.exe |
Описания нет |
rf7b75fc.tmp |
Описания нет |
rfacnmgr.exe |
Описания нет |
RfBtnHelper.exe |
Описания нет |
RfBtnSv64.exe |
Описания нет |
RfBtnSvc.exe |
Описания нет |
RfBtnSvc64.exe |
Описания нет |
rfi20.bpi |
Описания нет |
rfl120.bpl |
Описания нет |
rfmgr.exe |
Описания нет |
rfmgrui.exe |
Описания нет |
RFOnline.bin |
Описания нет |
rfpicon.exe |
rfpicon.exe is a RockFire Wireless Gamepad Battery Status from Ruling Tec Pte Ltd belonging to RockFire Wireless Gamepad Non-system processes like rfpicon.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rfranvir.exe |
Описания нет |
rfusclient.exe |
Описания нет |
rfusclient.rms |
Описания нет |
rfusdient.exe |
Описания нет |
rfusdiet.exe |
Описания нет |
rfuseclient.exe |
Описания нет |
rfusklient.exe |
Описания нет |
rfustclient.exe |
Описания нет |
rg4socid.exe |
Описания нет |
rGbYECqEtIzi.exe |
Описания нет |
rghost.exe |
Описания нет |
rgpbhevlkc32.exe |
Описания нет |
rgs.exe |
Описания нет |
RGSC.exe |
Описания нет |
RGSClauncher.exe |
Описания нет |
rgvzinn.dll |
Описания нет |
RH2OZJ5.exe |
Описания нет |
RHDSetup.log |
Описания нет |
rhgvwxlruam.exe |
Описания нет |
rhost.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
ri120.bpi |
Описания нет |
Ribbons.scr |
Описания нет |
riched20.dll |
Описания нет |
riched32.dll is a module containing functions for the Rich Text Edit control. Non-system processes like riched32.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
Richmedia.exe |
Описания нет |
richvideo.exe |
richvideo.exe is a process which belongs to the Cyberlink Power Director. This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. Non-system processes like richvideo.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
richvideo.module |
Описания нет |
RichWideo.exe |
Описания нет |
RIconMan.exe |
Описания нет |
rider_sl.exe |
Описания нет |
RiesPDLR.exe |
Описания нет |
rightclick.exe |
Описания нет |
rihohoka.exe |
Описания нет |
rihoohoca.exe |
Описания нет |
rihoohoka.exe |
Описания нет |
rilbubble.exe |
Описания нет |
RIMBBlaunchAgent.exe |
Описания нет |
Rimecud.a |
Описания нет |
Rimecud.C |
Описания нет |
rimmptsk.sys |
Описания нет |
rindll32.exe |
Описания нет |
riooy.pif |
Описания нет |
riotclient.exe |
Описания нет |
ripcserver.dll |
Описания нет |
risskware.hackkms |
Описания нет |
ristray.exe |
Описания нет |
ristrui.exe |
Описания нет |
rj.jar |
Описания нет |
rj4mucad.exe |
Описания нет |
rjatydimofu.exe |
Описания нет |
RjhNie0V04VxikN.exe |
Описания нет |
Rjsosf.exe |
Описания нет |
rjvagawx.exe |
Описания нет |
rk.exe |
rk.exe is a process that belongs to a software from Marketscore. The software monitors how you use the Internet as well as displays various surveys in popup windows. This process should be removed to ensure your personal privacy. For more information visit their privacy policy agreement at http://www.relevantknowledge.com/Agreement.htm Non-system processes like rk.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
Rk4I9Z90VyE.exe |
Описания нет |
rkm.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rkshare.exe |
Описания нет |
RktBtMnt.exe |
Описания нет |
RlconMan.exe |
Описания нет |
rldlr.exe |
Описания нет |
rldr.exe |
Описания нет |
rld_torc.exe |
Описания нет |
rld_torc2.exe |
Описания нет |
rld_torch2.exe |
Описания нет |
rllr.exe |
Описания нет |
rlls.dll |
rlls.dll is a RelevantKnowledge from RelevantKnowledge belonging to RelevantKnowledge . This is usually associated with Marketscore spyware which is used to display adware whilst you are online. Non-system processes like rlls.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rlls64.dll |
Описания нет |
rlm.exe |
Описания нет |
rlservice.dll |
Описания нет |
rlservice.exe |
rlservice.exe is a process belonging to RelevantKnowledge from RelevantKnowledge Non-system processes like rlservice.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rlt120.bpl |
Описания нет |
rltservice.exe |
Описания нет |
rlvkng64.exe |
Описания нет |
rlvkngl.exe |
Описания нет |
rlvkngl32.exe |
Описания нет |
rlvknlg.exe |
rlvknlg.exe is a process belonging to RelevantKnowledge Adware. This process should be removed to ensure your personal privacy. Non-system processes like rlvknlg.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rlvknlg32.exe |
Описания нет |
rlvknlg64.exe |
Описания нет |
rlvntnwg.exe |
Описания нет |
rlvntrknwld.exe |
Описания нет |
rlvntrknwldg.exe |
Описания нет |
rm.exe |
Описания нет |
rm303b.exe |
Описания нет |
rmain.exe |
Описания нет |
rmanfusclient.exe |
Описания нет |
rmanserver.exe |
Описания нет |
rmclient.exe |
Описания нет |
rmiprvse.exe |
Описания нет |
rmngr.exe |
rmngr.exe is a rmngr belonging to 1C:Enterprise 8.1 from 1C Non-system processes like rmngr.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
RMS.exe |
Описания нет |
rmsink.exe |
Описания нет |
rmsservice.exe |
Описания нет |
rmsss.exe |
Описания нет |
Rmts.exe |
Описания нет |
rmvNWMHHFOXqqxA.exe |
Описания нет |
rnadprocobolmain.exe |
Описания нет |
rnadprocobolmxz.exe |
Описания нет |
rndiresolversvc.exe |
Описания нет |
rndl32.exe |
Описания нет |
rndll32.exe |
The process rndll32.exe is implemented in relation to the operation of the graphic processing unit found on the graphics adapter. It is also related to the display properties feature used by the Microsoft Windows Operating System platform.The implementation of the file rndll32.exe is commonly observed with the installation of an NVIDIA graphics card, which is used to control and manipulate the behavior of the display interface of a computer system for various software applications. The process rndll32.exe is used to take advantage of the built-in feature of the Microsoft Windows environment in controlling a wide range of visual display options that can be accessed from the Display Properties Panel of the system.Settings and configuration procedures done under the display properties normally affect the visual styling of the entire system. It also covers how text, fonts, colors, and resolutions are reflected on the computer screen.The functional visual display as seen by the user via the computer monitor is actually a result of the combined capabilities of the monitor and the video card hardware component, which are controlled by software applications similar to the rndll32.exe process commonly bundled with the device drivers. The usage of the rndll32.exe module together with the graphic card driver allows the user to dictate the resolution settings limited by the capability of the display media including certain display properties like brightness, contrast, hue, sharpness, and other details. The implementation of the process rndll32.exe will also most likely affect how software applications are shown on the display media and how Web pages are viewed by the user.Microsoft Windows Operating System platforms come bundled with various graphic display drivers considered as generic, and these provide limited functions in terms of maximizing the full potential of the graphic display card. The importance of the computing power exerted by the video adapter comes into play when dealing with applications that require complex computations in order to accurately display images on the computer screen. This functionality can only be tapped via the supporting components of the video card like the file rndll32.exe, which allows users to fully appreciate the graphic acceleration commonly associated with computer games and other demanding applications like 3D animation and rendering.The most common instance for the usage of the rndll32.exe process is seen in gaming applications where the usage of dual monitors is becoming increasingly popular mainly because of the dropping prices of monitors and the increasing capabilities of video adapters to support them. As in the case of World of Warcraft, the rndll32.exe process is used in relation to the module nview.dll in order to create a user profile, which will modify the display either as a regular or as a widescreen feature.Using the widescreen feature allows the user to tap on the functionality of the file rndll32.exe in allowing 2 monitors to function as a single and seamless gaming console entity. Non-system processes like rndll32.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rndlresolversvc.exe |
Описания нет |
rndresolversc.exe |
Описания нет |
rndresolversvc.exe |
Описания нет |
rneadwprocobolmai.exe |
Описания нет |
rnl20.bpl |
Описания нет |
rnopbfgt.dll |
Описания нет |
RNowSvc.exe |
Описания нет |
rnr.exe |
Описания нет |
rnst4D0A.exe |
Описания нет |
rnvfs.dll |
Описания нет |
rnvXvK1ve98.exe |
Описания нет |
Roaming6E056B85BpcmechanicpmRUp1 |
Описания нет |
roammgr.exe |
Описания нет |
rob00t64.exe |
Описания нет |
roblox.exe |
Описания нет |
RobloxPlayer.exe |
Описания нет |
robocory.exe |
Описания нет |
Roboliker.exe |
Описания нет |
roboot.exe |
Описания нет |
roboot.exw |
Описания нет |
roboot64.exe |
Описания нет |
robot.exe |
Описания нет |
robot64.exe |
Описания нет |
Robot64.ru |
Описания нет |
robotascbaricon.exe |
Описания нет |
robotaskbaricon.exe |
robotaskbaricon.exe is a process which belongs to AI RoboForm. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " Non-system processes like robotaskbaricon.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
robotdemo.exe |
Описания нет |
robtot.exe |
Описания нет |
robuxSetup0160139390.exe |
Описания нет |
robux_Setup_0160139390.exe |
Описания нет |
rocess.exe |
Описания нет |
rocketdock.exe |
rocketdock.exe is a process rocketdock.exe is an application launcher. It is compatible with the most popular dock skin formats which also has Taskbar capabilities. Non-system processes like rocketdock.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
RocketDock1.exe |
Описания нет |
roclient.exe |
Описания нет |
ROCrocsslv12.exe |
Описания нет |
ROC_JAN2013_AV.exe |
Описания нет |
ROC_JAN213_AV.exe |
Описания нет |
ROC_JAN_2013.exe |
Описания нет |
roc_july.exe |
Описания нет |
ROC_roc_dec12.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
ROC_ROC_NT.exe |
Описания нет |
ROC_roc_ssl_v12.exe |
Описания нет |
Rogue.PTools |
Описания нет |
rojan.crossrider |
Описания нет |
rojanDownloader.Stantinko |
Описания нет |
ROJ_GEN.F47V0810 |
Описания нет |
ROJ_GEN.F47V1118 |
Описания нет |
romclient.exe |
Описания нет |
romfusclient.exe |
Описания нет |
romfustclient.exe |
Описания нет |
romoutil.exe |
Описания нет |
romserver.exe |
Описания нет |
Romsever.exe |
Описания нет |
romvln.dll |
Описания нет |
romwin.dll |
Описания нет |
ROMwln.dll |
Описания нет |
ronny.exe |
Описания нет |
rooboot.exe |
Описания нет |
roobot64.exe |
Описания нет |
root.exe |
N/A Non-system processes like root.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
Rootkit.exe |
Описания нет |
rosettastonedaemon.exe |
Описания нет |
rot8.exe |
Описания нет |
rotatelog.exe |
Описания нет |
rotatelogs.exe |
rotatelogs.exe is a process associated with Apache HTTP Server from Apache Software Foundation. Non-system processes like rotatelogs.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rotator.exe |
Описания нет |
rotator3.exe |
Описания нет |
Rotfupok.exe |
Описания нет |
rotwiew.exe |
Описания нет |
roulete.exe |
Описания нет |
RoulTed.exe |
Описания нет |
route.exe is a MS-DOS Executable from Windows. It is used to block IP connections to the system by added IP addresses to a routing table. This process should not be terminated unless it is causing problems. Non-system processes like route.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
Router.exe |
Описания нет |
rowsermanagergul.exe |
Описания нет |
rowserProtect.exe |
Описания нет |
ROWwln.dll |
Описания нет |
roxaupe.dll |
Описания нет |
RoxioBurnLauncher.exe |
Описания нет |
roxplayer.exe |
Описания нет |
roxwatchtray120em.exe |
Описания нет |
roxwatchtray12oem.exe |
Описания нет |
roxwatchtray9.exe |
roxwatchtray9.exe is a RoxMMTrayApp Module from Sonic Solutions belonging to CommonSDK . Disabling or enabling it is down to user preference. Non-system processes like roxwatchtray9.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rpcabd.exe |
Описания нет |
RpcAgentSRv.exe |
rpcagentsrv.exe is a SANDRA.AGENT.SRV belonging to SiSoftware Sandra XII//2008 SP2c from SiSoftware Non-system processes like rpcagentsrv.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rpcapd.exe |
rpcapd.exe is a rpcapd from NetGroup - Politecnico di Torino belonging to Remote Packet Capture Daemon Non-system processes like rpcapd.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rpcard.exe |
Описания нет |
RpcDataSrv.exe |
rpcdatasrv.exe is a SANDRA.DATA.SRV belonging to SiSoftware Sandra 2007 SP1 from SiSoftware Non-system processes like rpcdatasrv.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
RpcEpMap.dll |
Описания нет |
RpcEptMap.dll |
Описания нет |
rpcirc.exe |
Описания нет |
rpcld.exe |
Описания нет |
rpcminer-opencl.exe |
Описания нет |
rpcnet.exe |
Описания нет |
Rpcnetp.exe |
Описания нет |
RPCRT4.dll |
rpcrt4.dll is the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API, used by Windows applications for network and Internet communication. This is an essential system process and should not be deleted. rpcrt4.dll is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rpcrtremote.dll |
Описания нет |
rpcss.dil |
Описания нет |
rpcss.dll %SYSTEM% |
Библиотека rpcss.dll принадлежит сервису DcomLaunchDCOM Server Process Launcher и запускается процессом svchost.exe как C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k DcomLaunch. Задачей этого сервиса является запуск COM (Component Object Model) и DCOM (Distributed COM) серверов в ответ на запрос об активации соответствующего объекта. Если этот сервис не активен, то программы, использующие объекты COM и DCOM не будут работать правильно. |
RpcSs.exe |
rpcss.exe is an executable of Microsoft Windows Operating System. It is responsible for Remote Procedure Call Services on the local machine. These are public services available to the local network. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. rpcss.exe is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly. It should not be removed. Check your system now to identify unused processes that are slowing down your computer. |
Описания нет |
rpdinput.exe |
Описания нет |
rPE.exe |
Описания нет |
rpfj3vuk.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rphost.exe |
rphost.exe is a rphost belonging to 1C:Enterprise 8.1 from 1C Non-system processes like rphost.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
RPMDaemon.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rpshell.dll |
Описания нет |
RQ.Exe |
Описания нет |
rqc.exe |
Описания нет |
rqpbhevlkc32.exe |
Описания нет |
rqpbhevlkc64.exe |
Описания нет |
rrfilterservice.exe |
Описания нет |
rrloanzecD3F8CBF4.tmp |
Описания нет |
rrpservice.exe |
Описания нет |
rrservice.exe |
rrservice.exe is a process associated with IBM ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery from IBM. Non-system processes like rrservice.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rrtl120.bpl |
Описания нет |
rsabase.dll |
rsabase.dll is a module that implements Windows 2000 Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP). It provides functions for encoding and decoding the data. rsabase.dll is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly. It should not be removed. Check your system now to identify unused processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rsaenh.dll |
rsaenh.dll is a module that implements the Microsoft enhanced cryptographic service provider (CSP) that uses 128-bit encryption. rsaenh.dll is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly. It should not be removed. Check your system now to identify unused processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rsdefense.exe |
Описания нет |
rsdelaylauncher.exe |
Описания нет |
rserver.exe |
Описания нет |
rserver3.exe |
rserver3.exe is a RServer3 belonging to Radmin Server from Famatech International Corp. Non-system processes like rserver3.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rsh.exe |
Описания нет |
rshell.exe |
Описания нет |
RSHP.exe |
Описания нет |
rshx32.dll |
N/A Non-system processes like rshx32.dll originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rsjkmbo.exe |
Описания нет |
rsleak.exe |
Описания нет |
RsMgrSvc.exe |
Описания нет |
RsMgrSvc_exe.zip |
Описания нет |
rsmrink.exe |
Описания нет |
rsmsink.exe |
rsmsink.exe is a process belonging to Removable Storage Manager. It is used to monitor and control the use of removable storages, such as USB drives. Non-system processes like rsmsink.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rsmui.exe |
rsmui.exe is a process associated with Microsoft® Windows Whistler® Operating System from Microsoft Corporation. Non-system processes like rsmui.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rsop.msc |
Описания нет |
RSoPProv.exe |
rsopprov.exe is a process associated with Microsoft® Windows® Operating System from Microsoft Corporation. Non-system processes like rsopprov.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rspc.dil |
Описания нет |
rspndr.exe |
Описания нет |
rspndr.sys |
Описания нет |
rsrdserver.exe |
Описания нет |
RSRTry.rse |
Описания нет |
RSServCmd.exe |
Описания нет |
rsservice.exe |
Описания нет |
rstray.exe |
Описания нет |
rstrui.css |
Описания нет |
rstrui.exe |
rstrui.exe is a process which allows System Restore for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. rstrui.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rstui.exe |
Описания нет |
RSTUpd.exe |
Описания нет |
Rstupd1.exe |
Описания нет |
RSTUpdater.exe |
Описания нет |
RSTUpdater.tmp |
Описания нет |
rsvp.exe |
rsvp.exe is a process which handles Quality of Services between client and server for audio and video streaming applications. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " rsvp.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rsvp32_2.dll |
rsvp32_2.dll is a module Non-system processes like rsvp32_2.dll originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rsvpsp.dll |
rsvpsp.dll is a module belonging to Windows Rsvp Service Provider used on Windows 2000 and later. rsvpsp.dll is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly. It should not be removed. Check your system now to identify unused processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rs_service.exe |
rs_service.exe is a RS_Service belonging to Acer Video Conference Manager from Acer Incorporated Non-system processes like rs_service.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rs_service.ru |
Описания нет |
rt.jar |
Описания нет |
rt120.bl |
Описания нет |
rt120.bpi |
Описания нет |
rt120.bpl |
Описания нет |
rt120.dpl |
Описания нет |
rt160.bpl |
Описания нет |
rt20.bpl |
Описания нет |
rt630x64.sys |
Описания нет |
Rt64win7.sys |
Описания нет |
RT7LitePIlaunch.exe |
Описания нет |
RT86win.sys |
Описания нет |
Rt86win7.sys |
Описания нет |
rtBG0b1jSowG3P.exe |
Описания нет |
rtbl120.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtbl120.pbl |
Описания нет |
RtBtMnt.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
RTCore64.sys |
Описания нет |
rtcshare.exe |
rtcshare.exe is a process associated with RTC App Sharing from Microsoft Corporation. This file is part of Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Non-system processes like rtcshare.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
RTDCPL.exe |
rtdcpl.exe is a Realtek AC97 Audio Control Panel from Realtek Semiconductor Corp. belonging to Realtek AC97 Audio Control Panel Non-system processes like rtdcpl.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
Rtdhcpl.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rtdhdcpl.exe |
Описания нет |
rtfl20.bpl |
Описания нет |
RTFT-rack.exe |
Описания нет |
RTFT.rack |
Описания нет |
RTFTrack.exe |
Описания нет |
RtGina.dll |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rthdcdl.exe |
Описания нет |
rthdclp.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rthdcol.exe |
Описания нет |
RTHDCP.exe |
Описания нет |
rthdcpc.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rthdcpl.exe is a process belonging to the Realtek HD Audio Control Panel and is bundled alongside Realtek sound cards and audio hardware. This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. rthdcpl.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rthdcpl.exe |
rthdcpl.exe is a process belonging to the Realtek HD Audio Control Panel and is bundled alongside Realtek sound cards and audio hardware. This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. rthdcpl.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rthdcpl.eze |
Описания нет |
rthdcpt.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
RtHDCVpl.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rthdlcp.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rthdpl.exe |
Описания нет |
rthdspl.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
RtHDVB.exe |
Описания нет |
RTHDVBg-Dolby.exe |
Описания нет |
rthdvbg.exe |
Описания нет |
RtHDVBg_Dolby.exe |
Описания нет |
RtHDVBg_ListenToDevoce.exe |
Описания нет |
RtHDVBg_ListenToDevice.exe |
Описания нет |
RtHDVCp.exe |
Описания нет |
RtHDVCpi.exe |
Описания нет |
RtHDVCpl.eve |
Описания нет |
rthdvcpl.exe |
rthdvcpl.exe is a Control Panel applet from Realtek belonging to the High Definition Audio System driver. The process HD Audio Control Panel or RtHDVCpl.exe belongs to the software HD Audio Control Panel or RtHDVCpl.exe or Realtek High Definition Audio by Realtek Semiconductor. Some malware camouflage themselves as RtHDVCpl.exe, particularly if they are located in c:\windows or c:\windows\system32 folder. Thus check the RtHDVCpl.exe process on your pc whether it is a pest. If so it is recommended to remove it from your PC. Non-system processes like rthdvcpl.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
RtHDVCplr.exe |
Описания нет |
rthdvg.exe |
Описания нет |
rthdxpl.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
rti.dpi |
Описания нет |
rtI120.bpI |
Описания нет |
rti120.bpl |
Описания нет |
rti120.dpi |
Описания нет |
rti120.drl |
Описания нет |
rtI150.bpi |
Описания нет |
rti20.bpi |
Описания нет |
rti20.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtil.20bpi |
Описания нет |
rtil20.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtiupd.exe |
Описания нет |
rtj120.bpl |
Описания нет |
Rtkbleserv.exe |
Описания нет |
RtkBMnt.exe |
Описания нет |
RtkBtManServ.exe |
Описания нет |
rtkbtmht.exe |
Описания нет |
rtkbtmn.exe |
Описания нет |
rtkbtmnt.exe |
rtkbtmnt.exe is a Realtek HD Audio Data Rerouter from Realtek Semiconductor Corp. belonging to Realtek HD Audio Data Rerouter Non-system processes like rtkbtmnt.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
RtkCoinstll.dll |
Описания нет |
RtkColnstII.dll |
Описания нет |
RtkColnstll.dll |
Описания нет |
RTKCPL.exe |
Описания нет |
RtkDashClient.exe |
Описания нет |
RtkDashStarter64.exe |
Описания нет |
RtkNCUI64.exe |
Описания нет |
Rtkngu64.exe |
Описания нет |
RtkNGUI.exe |
Описания нет |
RtkNGUI64.exe |
Описания нет |
RtkNGUL.exe |
Описания нет |
RTKVHD64.sys |
Описания нет |
rtl.150bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl.20bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl100.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl12.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl120.bdl |
Описания нет |
rtl120.bhl |
Описания нет |
rtl120.bld |
Описания нет |
rtl120.blp |
Описания нет |
rtl120.bmp |
Описания нет |
rtl120.bp1 |
Описания нет |
rtl120.bpe |
Описания нет |
rtl120.bpi |
Описания нет |
rtl120.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl120.brl |
Описания нет |
rtl120.btl |
Описания нет |
rtl120.dpi |
Описания нет |
rtl120.dpl |
Описания нет |
rtl120.pbl |
Описания нет |
rtl120l.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl120l.dpl |
Описания нет |
rtl120_.bbl |
Описания нет |
rtl129.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl12l.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl140.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl150.blp |
Описания нет |
rtl150.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl190.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtl20.bpi |
Описания нет |
rtl20.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtlcpl.exe is a process associated with Realtek Audio Sound Effect Manager from Realtek Semiconductor Corp.. Disabling or enabling it is down to user preference. Non-system processes like rtlcpl.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rtldcpl.exe |
Описания нет |
RtLED.exe |
Описания нет |
RtlGina.DLL |
rtlgina.dll is a RtlGina belonging to karl RtlGina from Realtek Non-system processes like rtlgina.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rtli120.bpi |
Описания нет |
rtlib.dll |
Описания нет |
rtll20.bpi |
Описания нет |
rtll20.bpl |
Описания нет |
rtll20.brl |
Описания нет |
rtll50.dpl |
Описания нет |
RtlLib.dll |
Описания нет |
rtlo120.bpl |
Описания нет |
RtlService.exe |
Описания нет |
RtlWan.exe |
Описания нет |
rtmservice.exe |
rtmservice.exe is a process belonging to the Remote Task Manager remote control suite which allows remote users, both on a local network and on the Internet to access your PC and make changes. "This program is a non-essential system process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " This software can also be used in a malicious way if installed without your knowledge. Non-system processes like rtmservice.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rtop_bg.exe |
Описания нет |
rtop_svc.exe |
Описания нет |
rtpj9tsd.exe |
Описания нет |
rts.dsrlte |
Описания нет |
RtsCM.exe |
Описания нет |
rtscm64.exe |
Описания нет |
rtscom.dll |
rtscom.dll is a RTSCom.dll belonging to Microsoft® Windows® Operating System from Microsoft Corporation Non-system processes like rtscom.dll originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rtscom.exe |
Описания нет |
rtservice.exe |
rtservice.exe is a rtService belonging to Rutoken Service from Компания "Актив" Non-system processes like rtservice.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
RTSHookInterop.exe |
Описания нет |
RTSndMgr.cpl |
Описания нет |
rtss.dll |
Описания нет |
RTSS.exe |
Описания нет |
RTSSHooksLoader.exe |
Описания нет |
RTSSHooksLoader64.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
RTSUpdater.exe |
Описания нет |
rtsystray.exe |
Описания нет |
rtutil.dll |
Описания нет |
rtutill.dll |
Описания нет |
rtutils.dll |
rtutils.dll is a module that contains functions used by a tracing API that provides a uniform mechanism for generating diagnostic output for the Microsoft Windows NT/Windows 2000 Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) components. rtutils.dll is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rtutils.exe |
Описания нет |
rtutils.sys |
Описания нет |
rtuwolf.ru |
Описания нет |
RTv.exe |
Описания нет |
rtvcvfw32.dll |
Описания нет |
rtvcvfw64.dll |
Описания нет |
RtVOsd.exe |
Описания нет |
rtvscan.exe |
The rtvscan.exe file runs the real-time scanning feature of the Symantec Internet Security Suite and is responsible for detecting malicious code embedded on possible viruses and other malware processes. When a file enters the system, the rtvscan.exe file will automatically execute and scan the file, immediately notifying the user about any files it detects. The rtvscan.exe file can also automatically clean the infected file.For the full protection of your computer, the file rtvscan.exe runs continuously in order to check every file that enters your system. Aside from scanning and notifying the user about virus infections, it also logs or saves a report every time it performs a scan. The log or report details the information about the file scanned, its location, and the virus that came bundled with the file along with the actions taken by both the user and the program about the security risk. Non-system processes like rtvscan.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
RtWan.exe |
Описания нет |
RtWlan.exe |
rtwlan.exe is a process associated with wg111cfg Application from wg111cfg Application. Non-system processes like rtwlan.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
RTWorkQ.dll |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
ru-RU-2-0.bdic |
Описания нет |
ru-RU-3-0.bdic |
Описания нет |
ru-RU-3-0.BDIS |
Описания нет |
ru.bdic |
Описания нет |
ru.exe |
Описания нет |
ru.iobit |
Описания нет |
ru.pak |
Описания нет |
Ru4.exe |
Описания нет |
rub.exe |
Описания нет |
rubar.dll |
Описания нет |
rubar.exe |
Описания нет |
rubarupdate.exe |
Описания нет |
RubarUpdateService.exe |
Описания нет |
rubarupdateserviiceae.exe |
Описания нет |
rubarupdateservise.exe |
Описания нет |
rubdll32.exe |
Описания нет |
rublik.exe |
Описания нет |
ruby.exe |
Описания нет |
ruddll32.exe |
Описания нет |
rudll32.exe |
Описания нет |
rudnll32.exe |
Описания нет |
rufinder.info |
Описания нет |
ruga.exe |
Описания нет |
rugfemdg.exe |
Описания нет |
rugoogle.ru |
Описания нет |
rugooglee.ru |
Описания нет |
ruiex.exe |
Описания нет |
ruinst.ru |
Описания нет |
rumdll32.exe |
Описания нет |
run.bat |
Описания нет |
run.dll |
Описания нет |
run.exe |
run.exe is registered as a downloader. This process usually comes bundled with a virus or spyware and its main role is to do nothing other than download other viruses/spyware to your computer. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Non-system processes like run.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
run.txe |
Описания нет |
run32.dll |
run32.dll is a library file that provides function for running a DLL file as an application. run32.dll is a system process that is needed for your PC to work properly. It should not be removed. Check your system now to identify unused processes that are slowing down your computer. |
run32.exe |
Описания нет |
run32dll.exe |
run32dll.exe is a process belonging to PAL PC Spy. It is a key recorder and screen capture utility that monitors everything that happens on your computer. This process should be removed to ensure your personal privacy. Non-system processes like run32dll.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
run32ll.exe |
Описания нет |
runas.exe |
Описания нет |
RunAsDate.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
runasuser.exe |
Описания нет |
runauser.exe |
Описания нет |
Runbll32.exe |
Описания нет |
runctrl.exe |
Описания нет |
rund.32 |
Описания нет |
rund32.exe |
Описания нет |
runddl32.exe |
Описания нет |
rundedll32.exe |
Описания нет |
rundell32.exe |
Описания нет |
rundi32.exe |
Описания нет |
rundii32.exe |
Описания нет |
Rundil32.exe |
Описания нет |
rundill.exe |
Описания нет |
rundill32.exe |
Описания нет |
rundl.exe |
N/A Non-system processes like rundl.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rundl132.exe |
Описания нет |
rundl16.exe |
Описания нет |
rundl32.exe |
rundl32.exe is a process which is registered as the W32/Agobot-TO virus. "It takes advantage of the Windows LSASS vulnerability, which creates a buffer overflow and instigates your computer to shut down. " To see more information about this vulnerability please look at the following Microsoft bulletin: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms04-011.mspx. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Non-system processes like rundl32.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rundli32.ese |
Описания нет |
rundll.32 |
Описания нет |
rundll.32exe |
Описания нет |
rundll.exe |
rundll.exe is a process which belongs to the Loxoscam trojan. It is related to abackdoor virus and thus should be removed immediately. Care should be taken as it masquerades itself as a Rundll.exe process which is considered essential. Non-system processes like rundll.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rundll.exe |
"rundll.exe is a process registered as a backdoor vulnerability which may be installed for malicious purposes by an attacker allowing access to your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. " "If unaccounted for, this process should be removed immediately. " Non-system processes like rundll.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rundll.exe |
rundll.exe is a Windows System process belonging to the Windows 95, 98 and ME range of Microsoft Windows products. This is an important system process and should not be terminated. rundll.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rundll.exe32 |
Описания нет |
rundll.ru |
Описания нет |
rundll16.exe |
rundll16.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. "This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. " This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Non-system processes like rundll16.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
rundll21.exe |
Описания нет |
rundll32.dll |
Описания нет |
rundll32.ese |
Описания нет |
rundll32.ex |
rundll32.exe is a process which belongs to the . "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " Non-system processes like rundll32.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rundll32.ex |
The rundll32.exe process is responsible for running DLLs and placing its libraries in the memory. The rundll32.exe process is known as a command line utility program, and it performs its embedded functions along with the rundll.exe file. Rundll32.exe works by invoking a function that is exported from a specific 16-bit or 32-bit DLL module. However the only DLLs that you can call with the rundll.exe and rundll32.exe files are the ones that are only specified to be accessed by these processes. The rundll32.exe file operates by parsing the command line. The specified DLL is then loaded through the function LoadLibrary(). Afterwards, from the function , it gets the addresses through GetProcAddress(). The command line tail is passed when the is called. Next, the DLL is unloaded upon the return of . Finally, the rundll32.exe file exits. rundll32.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rundll32.ex |
"rundll32.exe is a process registered as a backdoor vulnerability which may be installed for malicious purposes by an attacker allowing access to your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. " This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Non-system processes like rundll32.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rundll32.exe |
rundll32.exe is a process which belongs to the . "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. " Non-system processes like rundll32.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rundll32.exe |
The rundll32.exe process is responsible for running DLLs and placing its libraries in the memory. The rundll32.exe process is known as a command line utility program, and it performs its embedded functions along with the rundll.exe file. Rundll32.exe works by invoking a function that is exported from a specific 16-bit or 32-bit DLL module. However the only DLLs that you can call with the rundll.exe and rundll32.exe files are the ones that are only specified to be accessed by these processes. The rundll32.exe file operates by parsing the command line. The specified DLL is then loaded through the function LoadLibrary(). Afterwards, from the function , it gets the addresses through GetProcAddress(). The command line tail is passed when the is called. Next, the DLL is unloaded upon the return of . Finally, the rundll32.exe file exits. rundll32.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
rundll32.exe |
"rundll32.exe is a process registered as a backdoor vulnerability which may be installed for malicious purposes by an attacker allowing access to your computer from remote locations, stealing passwords, Internet banking and personal data. " This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system. Non-system processes like rundll32.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
rundll32.exe32 |
Описания нет |
RunDll32cmcnfgu.exe |
Описания нет |
rundll32p17.dll |
Описания нет |
rundll32p17rune.dll |
Описания нет |
rundlle.exe |
Описания нет |
rundlle32.exe |
Описания нет |
Rundlll.exe |
N/A Non-system processes like rundlll.exe originate from software you installed on your system. Since most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated invalid entries which can affect your PC's performance. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify slowdown issues. |
RunDllProgramDataCreativecrexv.o |
Описания нет |
RunDLLSYSTEM32crexv.ocx |
Описания нет |
rundlresolversvc.exe |
Описания нет |
rundu.32 |
Описания нет |
RUNDU32.exe |
Описания нет |
rune.exe |
Описания нет |
Runed.exe |
Описания нет |
runer.bat |
Описания нет |
runlieupd.exe |
Описания нет |
runliveuhd.exe |
Описания нет |
runliveup.exe |
Описания нет |
RunLiveUpd.exe |
Описания нет |
runliveupd.exs |
Описания нет |
runll32.exe |
Описания нет |
runner.1 |
Описания нет |
runner.exe |
Описания нет |
runner_avp.exe |
Описания нет |
runns.exe |
Описания нет |
runnwiznwiz.exe |
Описания нет |
runonce.exe |
runonce.exe is the Microsoft Run Once wrapper. It is used by the installation programs for third party applications. It allows the installation program to startup again after boot up to give the user the possibility to make further configurations. This process should not be removed to ensure that programs are installed correctly on your system. runonce.exe is a system process that is needed for your Windows system to work properly. It should not be removed. Check Windows now to identify removable processes that are slowing down your computer. |
runonceex.exe |
Описания нет |
runonoce.exe |
Описания нет |
runonse.exe |
Описания нет |
runprog.exe |
Описания нет |
runredem.exe |
Описания нет |
RunSvc.exe |
Описания нет |
runSW.exe |
Описания нет |
RunTBGadgetOnce.vbs |
Описания нет |
RuntimeBrocker.exe |
Описания нет |
RuntimeBroker.exe |
Описания нет |
RuntimePack.exe |
Описания нет |
RunUpd.exe |
Описания нет |
runxmlpl.exe is a RunXMLPL from Wistron belonging to Wistron RunXMLPL Non-system processes like runxmlpl.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
run_chrome.exe |
Описания нет |
run_ctrl.exe |
Описания нет |
run_setup.bat |
Описания нет |
RUpdate.exe |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
RUpdete.exe |
Описания нет |
rupor.chp |
Описания нет |
rupsmon.exe |
Описания нет |
RUrdate.exe |
Описания нет |
rurserv.exe |
Описания нет |
rus.exe |
Описания нет |
Rusaudit.net |
Описания нет |
rusautou.exe |
Описания нет |
rusexnet.com |
Описания нет |
rusfdj.exe |
Описания нет |
ruslab.exe |
Описания нет |
russian.chm |
Описания нет |
RussianCStrike.exe |
Описания нет |
Rust.exe |
Описания нет |
RustHack.exe |
Описания нет |
RusTV_player_2.4 |
Описания нет |
rutserv.exe |
Описания нет |
rutserver.exe |
Описания нет |
rutview.exe |
Описания нет |
rutwiev.exe |
Описания нет |
ruuftsxwo.dll |
Описания нет |
ruundll32.exe |
Описания нет |
ruzune64.exe |
Описания нет |
ru_112.exe |
Описания нет |
rvbupdater-utilite.exe |
Описания нет |
rvinst.exe |
Описания нет |
RvRvpnGui.exe |
Описания нет |
RW.exe |
Описания нет |
rwandqprocobolmain.exe |
Описания нет |
rwimjggxdc.exe |
Описания нет |
rwisv60.exe |
Описания нет |
rwllrbx9.exe |
Описания нет |
RWLN.dll |
Описания нет |
RWLN.dlll |
Описания нет |
Rwpqph.exe |
Описания нет |
rxbrpvo.exe |
Описания нет |
rxinput.dll |
Описания нет |
ryasat_3dsmax9.exe |
Описания нет |
ryfrwzf.dll |
Описания нет |
RyHDVBg_ListenToDevoce.exe |
Описания нет |
rzeywud.dll |
Описания нет |
Описания нет |
RzKLServese.ex |
Описания нет |
RzKLService.exe |
Описания нет |
Rzklservice.exe32 |
Описания нет |
RzKLServicw.exe |
Описания нет |
RzKLServise.exe |
Описания нет |
RzSynapse.exe |
Описания нет |
r_installspro.exe |
Описания нет |
r_server.exe |
r_server.exe is a part of a remote administrator application that allows a user to work on one or more remote computers. The application contains features such as File Transfer, NT security and Telnet. Non-system processes like r_server.exe originate from software you installed on your system. As most applications store data in your system's registry, it is likely that your registry has suffered fragmentation and accumulated harmful errors. It is recommended that you check your registry to identify hidden errors now. |
r_server3.exe |
Описания нет |
R_Slsvc.exe |
Описания нет |
Полный список процессов (в разработке) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | _ |